Jordi Marquillas

Cofounder and Technical Director

He discovered the world of Paragliding over 20 years ago. He has glided over the 4 continents. He won the Spanish Cross Country Championship (Sport class) in 2013, he is a member of the Spanish acrobatics team and he has also been a member of the Spanish and Catalan Cross Country (XC) teams. He’s been a SIV instructor since 2003 and a test pilot for Aérotest laboratories since 2005. He’s a Sports Technician in Paragliding and an international APPI Master Instructor.

Ramon Sanmartí

Cofounder, instructor and tandem pilot

He has also been looking down on the world from the skies for over 15 years and he has glided over the 4 continents. Ramon’s other passions are mountaineering and snow sports. In the winter you may easily find him practicing Alpine skiing or Telemark…

Marta Ges

Our secretary

She’s a breath of fresh air, our energy source (of which she has plenty!). She organizes us, she’s our public image and makes us work… enthusiastically! Ah! And she is already starting to fly… we think we’ve got her into flying and she’s already letting out her inner bird!

Oriol Mayora

Instructor and tandem pilot

He’s the juggler in the team. When we’re bored, we give him 4 stones or a monocycle and he entertains us… on top of that he flies and skis. He is an excellent paragliding and ski instructor and you quickly realize that he’s passionate about teaching. His patience is almost infinite…

Joan Cordon

Tandem pilot

He is, possibly, the most experienced tandem pilot in Catalunya. He’s the concentrated essence of free-flight. By mistake he was born human but he should have been a vulture… He is as passionate, or more, about flying and transmitting the magic of flight as the first day that this sport captivated him.

Xavi zabau

The birdie

He’s the little bird in our team. He learnt to fly with Entrenúvols and over the years he has earned himself a place in the Entrenúvols team. He loves acrobatics and he’s in the Spanish team of paragliding acrobatics.


la secre 2

Josep Ma

Tandem pilot


The birdie

He’s the little bird in our team. He learnt to fly with Entrenúvols and over the years he has earned himself a place in the Entrenúvols team. He loves acrobatics and he’s in the Spanish team of paragliding acrobatics.


Winch operator


Entrenúvols is a Paragliding school that was funded in 2001 by paragliding and nature enthusiasts, the mission of our school is to promote Free Flight and the Àger valley.

Our school is integrated by professionals passionate about Free Flight that have turned their passion into their means of living. This makes it easier for us to transmit our passion more naturally. We don’t really have a very clear boundary between work and fun…

At Entrenúvols we’ve tried to move away from the standard way of life of racing to work to earn more, to spend more. We believe that the main values in life are not money and possessions but to be able to earn your living doing something you like, in a place that you like.

This doesn’t mean that we don’t need money to live, or that we’re on the fringes of legality, it’s certainly the opposite. Because of its nature, our work needs to be well within legality. We also believe that our workers and ourselves deserve a decent job, pay and conditions.

In this regard, our challenge is to find the balance between living where and how we want, trying to keep out of the consumer trap but at the same time offering our customers a high quality service with all the legal guarantees.