We are located in one of the most unspoilt and amazing landscapes in Catalonia: the Valley of Àger, at the foot of the Montsec mountain ridge.
Entrenúvols is located by Cal Maciarol country house, at the heart of the valley of Àger. We are less than 2 Km away from Àger village, beside the road to Coll d'Ares, which we will drive up when we go flying.
At the Entrenúvols facilities you will find our Paragliding school and our physical shop selling flying equipment. The landing field is right beside the building, and there is also a restaurant and lodging offered by Cal Maciarol.
Àger is located in the middle of the valley of Àger, limited by the Montsec mountain range at the North, the mountain ranges of Montclús and Millà to the South and the rivers of Noguera Ribagorçana (Canelles reservoir) and Noguera Pallaresa to the West and East, respectively. These two rivers have excavated the magnificent canyons of Montrebei and Terradets, that divide the Montsec in 3 sectors: Estall, Ares and Rúbies, from West to East.
In Àger valley you will find the villages of Corçà, Agulló, Millà, Àger, La Règola and L'Ametlla. Close by, but already out of the valley, you can find the villages of Fontdepou and Les Avellanes to the South and Cellers to the North following the C-12 road.